The Whiteside Museum of Natural History in Seymour, Texas is proud to announce the second annual “Permian Fest”, which will be held from June 6th through June 8th. The festival will include three days of unique, science and paleontology theme vendors, food trucks, and professional lectures.
In addition to Permian Fest, we will unveil our museum expansion!
Past Present Future 2025 Museum Expansion
We have come a long way in 10 years and it has been an honor representing Seymour, Texas in the museum industry and the field of paleontology. A decade of incredible fossils and research is second to the immense smiles we get from the families and guests that experience a world-class museum. The planning and development by my team and the WMNH board of directors have created a beautiful museum, and the future will be a lot of fun. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the progress of this project.
The upcoming 9,000-square-foot expansion will double the size of the museum, allowing us to significantly enhance the visitor experience. The expanded Paleontology Fossil Preparation Lab will offer guests a more hands-on, interactive visit. In addition to the Fossil Prep Lab, the museum will feature a new Dinosaur Hall with new exhibits. The Sundell Hall of Mammals will showcase both modern and prehistoric species. This significant expansion will be a major draw for the community as it will feature exhibits never before seen at the museum. The museum expansion will be tremendously valuable for the communities of north Texas and beyond, broadening public knowledge and appreciation of paleontology and science.
Over the past decade, your generous donations have been instrumental in supporting the longevity of the Whiteside Museum of Natural History. No contribution is too small - every dollar makes a difference as we work to provide a world-class museum experience.
Please join us as we aim to raise $85,000 to complete our museum expansion and fund the remaining exhibits. We are excited to unveil the completed expansion in June 2025.
More information is coming soon!
Christopher Flis
WMNH Museum Director / Paleontologist
Museum Expansion Unveiling: Past. Present. Future
In addition to the festival, we will unveil our NEW museum expansion!
The Whitley Permian hall
Bakker Hall of Dinosaurs
Sundell Hall of Mammals
Charles & Rikki Raflo Fossil Preparation Lab
Palee-ANT-tology Hall
Lindgren Hall of Ichthyology

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